Friday, March 14, 2008

Is my ruby dying? >_<

Nooo T_T
it happened 3 times already today, my dearest laptop, ruby, went dark when I tried to move it from places to places >_<
It went neither to hibernate nor to back alive, just suddenly the monitor went off, the power and the touchpad were still on, but it did nothing, no input can be detected >_<
my bf said its reaching its age already, passed 3 years limit last december.
but but but, i wuv my rubyyyyyy *cries in the corner*


Ismail Habib said...

I give you my deepest sympathy toward the loss of your laptop. I know how it feels...

*crying in the other corner*

lite said...

awww T_T thankiiesssss >_<
im still holding on it though, hopefully i wont lose it anytime soon yet >_<
j said i should start to look for the replacement though, do not wantttttt T____T
*cries in yet another corner of the room xD*

Credo said...

*Celingak-celinguk liat benda2 aneh di pojokan..*

Credo said...

Hihihi, aku link ya UC!

Anonymous said...

beli aja yang baru...

lite said...

@credo#1 hihihi, theres still another empty corner for u if u want xD
@credo #2 waa, tengkiuuu. daku dari dulu pengen naro2 link tu kok begitu gapteknya ya jadi belom terlaksana juga ^^;;> maap maap, ntar begitu gw bisa pasti ta' link juga
@koko T_T yeaa,,,apparently its all gonna come down to that ... very soon. still... its hard to say goodbye T_T