Friday, November 04, 2011


Under the piles of all the bubbles and glitters of kpop songs/artists, I found a gem today!

What would you get when you cross GnR/Metallica with DDR and Kpop?


It's such a pity that for us the non-korean we have to rely on the translation to fully appreciate their songs. Because aside from the upbeat rock songs, the hilarious lyrics behind them are their highlight. Not to mention the funny dance! I know I'd be using the superman dance for my morning sport xP

And I'd like to say more about Lee Hyuk, one member of this duo Jo Bin and Lee Hyuk that made up Norano. With his awesome voice that hits high notes effortlessly, the manly facial hair, rock style hair and apparel, now that's a male singer I can deem as eye candy!
Finally now we're talking, Kpop!

I know now whose name I'd say if my Kpop lover cousins ask me who's my fav male kpop idol. Lee Hyuk! Kyaaaaaa! xD


Ismail Habib said...

It reminds me of the typical Japanese shounen anime soundtrack! :D

"Mempertahankan bumi tercinta... jiwa besarmu sangat kami kagumi..."

Velly said...

ahaha... ini bener2 bikin aku ngakak. apalg pas baca liriknya :))

lite said...

@habz hahaha yeah, it's so japanese! DDR/Parapara song/anime soundtrack! save for the super rocker scream :D

tapi buset, itu lirik lagu dikau xD lemot banget daku, lama baru ngeh kalo itu lirik lagu xD anak SMP banget deh referensinya xP

@velly hahaha, iya! udah liat yg MVnya superman,vel? garing abisss. Yang bikin lucu kayanya karena tampang mereka tetep sangar&serius walo liriknya ternyata amat sangat ga jelas xD

eh, eh, eh, btw, btw, btw, itu lee hyuk mirip miri ga sihh? somehow tampangnya kok mengingatkanku ma gabungan miri dan edo-yg-bukan-edo-cethok xP
ga tau gabungan dari sebelah mananya hahaha