Monday, January 30, 2012

That little things you do...

So.. in one hurried morning, I didn't have much time to finish assembling the burgers I prepared. I left those ready-to-be-assembled burger pieces:buns, sausages, lettuces, tomatoes, pickles slices, with all the condiments; on the table, running away catching the bus while telling you to just eat them and pack the rest for lunch, -if there's any.

I wasn't expecting anything much on that lunchtime later when you said you brought some of them for lunch. Since if it was me all I could think of was just to throw them on plastic bags for food maybe. No idea how that would survive my fully-packed backpack though :D

Aaaand, when the lunchtime came, I found you've prepared them in individual lunch box. Each first wrapped in plastic, then serenely positioned in boxes that just fit them perfectly so they won't move and get dislocated. It was so professionally packed, just really seemed like the store-bought ready made food!
I was super impressed! Thank you my kuingkuing =')

And one night, I found that my beloved blanket had gone missing from my bed.
And lo and behold: it's stranded conspicuously on the heater on the wall instead @_@
Turns out you put it there to make it warm and ready for me when I get to bed =')

And today, on my worrisome thoughts on finding works after graduation:
me: kalo ci ntar ga langsung dapet kerja tapi gpp?
j: gpp
j: kalo ga kerja jg gpp

Awww, I love you so much, my kuingkuing yg kukuing dengan sekuingkuingnya =')

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