Thursday, November 27, 2008

RTSS nightmare

Just attended a mock-presentation as a rehearsal for the presentation of my first paper in RTSS.
I'm working on this paper with two profs, one from the embedded system background (my main PhD tutor), the other from the formal method background. It's my main advisor who will present the paper.
People from both area gathered for the presentation, and ... the question session started...
all hell break loose >_<
oh my, while my prof seems could manage all the questions, my guts churned listening to the questions coming.

I still have sooooooo much to learn in formal area T_T

It's half an hour after it finished, and I'm still disturbed in that how I'm still lacking all those knowledge.

I'm so far away from having the ability to present my own paper and defend it from all those questions.

While it's a consolation that
it won't be me who present it myself anyway, and I won't be able to even help answering the question since I couldn't attend it, and that I'm still a first year PhD student (well, ok, starting my 2nd year now),
still... I thought that at least I could possibly manage some of the questions.

It's so overwhelming in that this formal area is such a vast body of research.
Unlike when it was way back in high-school, or even in bachelor degree, where you have a finite set of references. And reading and mastering them will grant you the knowledge to master the material. Now, it's all current researches and papers which made up this body of knowledge. New papers published every so often. And I thought I've read soo many papers on it. But still I it doesn't seem to be enough. and the show of force (show of knowledge?) in that discussion forum scared me...

I'm still a looong loong way from home....


Velly said...

smangat...smangat ciii... Kmu pasti bisa..!!!
klo aku skrg masih berusaha jadi master aja udah nangis darah... T_T

and yeah ... looooooong way from home for me too X(

lite said...

vellyyy, makacih vellll
hihihi, velly kan super serius, makanya nangis darah. dipake cengengesan aja vel xP *sok iye banget*
semangat semangat juga ya velllll!! *mmwah mmwahh*