Tuesday, November 15, 2011


A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart & can sing it back to you when you've forgotten the words

But, what if the words were meant to be forgotten?

With everything changes, desperate times sometime call for desperate measures..
Flashbacks and nostalgia are all well and nice, but they don't serve the purpose to toughen you up.
They provide comfort and are heart warming.
But reminiscing on them, all the while trying to stay strong and keep on fighting the day,...
realizing how much you've changed...
could be bitter.

or maybe... I was just being bitter.


Ismail Habib said...

mode mellow? :D

I don't really get your post, maybe you have changed... or not xD

lite said...

lol, bitter mode.

Honestly... I don't get myself either,

or maybe I did.

I was so sure abt what I wrote, but then, just seconds after publishing it, I found that article. I doubted myself.. and added the last line+article link.

I suppose the conclusion is that.. there are always 2 sides of a coin.
and there are always at least 2 ways to see at things.
I suppose I'm a bit happy now so I can see this other side now better than yesterday.

or maybe I'll just blame it on my zodiac :P

Ismail Habib said...

I've been sitting here reading your comments for 15 minutes and I still have nothing. Sorry :P