Thursday, May 24, 2012

Responsible internet use

While not really an avid reader of this blog, xiaxue, I some times check this blog for some healthy dose of chuckle. She is a "lifestyle blogger" with several awards from Singapore. She makes blogging her profession, and I would say she's very successful at it that she even got quite large factor of her house renovation sponsored. 

I adore the pretty things she has, talks about, and promotes. She is extremely open about her plastic surgery. Reading her entries about her plastic surgeries opened my mind. It was seemed like a distant concept and unreal to me. But now I begin to understand that, yeah, it's just how some people work towards perfection in their own sense. The way I would work towards my perfection... in studying I suppose (I'm still in the mindset of a student, pardon me xP).

This blogger, xiaxue, somehow has gotten herself long list of people who hate her for inexplicable reasons that I couldn't really understand, though. And sometimes reading the blog I feel she has a bit too much hate and anger in her for all of this haters of hers expressed through her rants.

However in this one particular case of haters she retaliated with full force: A bad ass example of how to deal with internet haters for a lady.

While I think everyone in this case has violated all the privacy policies left and right, she has made her point clear. That despite the so called anonymity of the internet and how it is just something virtual, in the end there are real people behind it. Putting the face to the hateful comments which were made mindlessly when surfing in the virtual world makes everything much real. As much as there is a real person / people behind every picture that is distributed with/without consents in the internet, there are also real people who comment on that.

And with more than one person interacting, we do have rules and norms that we conceived through our socialization.

And so, virtual world never means a world without rules and responsibility. Everyone still has to take the responsibility for all their actions. If anything, it is even a scarier world, as the rules are not really "clear" and enforced as we have it in our already stable real life civilization.

As such, like in her case, pictures of you could end up somewhere, taken out of context and used for other people agenda. And anything you ever write might come back haunting you someday. (Oh wow, I hope I never did write anything hateful and stupid here x___x)

And so, for me, I'll stick on just adoring cute little things and cat pictures in the internet. The kitties know I always say good things about them :D

Another thing I can take from this case: it just strengthens my choice to never use Facebook and trust it with my personal details :D

1 comment:

Australian broadband service provider said...

Yes, we really need to observe responsible internet usage.