Thursday, April 10, 2008

Daily program necessities!

Ok, this one is a rather geeky post.
After my ruby left me I am forced to make use of my working desktop optimally, not just as my unix workstation to which I connect from my ruby :P

And...turns out im sooo highly dependent on some programs. I just can't function without having them ready at my disposal first. So. I'd like to enlist them, also for my own need when later I have to set up my ruby part de deux ;P

Of course as a fake CS student I dont really know much abt these programs aside from merely their use which is relevant to my need. You should refer to J for more informations, plus he is my trusted source of information abt all these programs :P

1. Mozilla
This is the first and foremost because I need to use it to download other programs that I will need :P
Along with it, install the add ons :
  • Adblock plus ( J's suggestion)
  • Delicious ( still J's suggestion)
  • Pray time! (my own need, dont forget to set the alarm 10 mins before the prayer time. no, not to prepare to pray on time, rather to not miss the previous prayer xD)
2. AVG
Everyone needs an anti virus of course. This one is free and working great for me =]
Unlike that symantec one which always bugged me with updating process and taking soo much effort just to uninstall it completely @_@

3. Yahoo messenger (+ msn live messenger optionally)
It's of some utmost priority to be installed immediately because I need to bug J if I need to ask question abt what to install, how, etc xD
I started to use MSN too. They have the customizable emoticon feature that just made me much more expressive than in yahoo ;P

4. Putty
My works are involving programs that only works in unix system. Since I refuse to use all those unix kind as my main OS. I rely on Putty to connect to my unix workstations.

6. WinSCP
Still related with the previous I use this to transfer back and forth the files I manipulated in Windows to be executed in Unix.

7. TortoiseSVN
Working in a team which use SVN (almost the same with CVS back then) to collect the works and maintain the versioning I found this program is convenient for my windows oriented mindset ;P
J complained that it adds things to the right click though, which is correct, but *shrugs* o, well.

6. Ultra Edit (pirated) or PSPad
I love Ultra Edit! I make use of its macro well for my work. It's pirated though >.>
J is advocating me to do right and use free programs. And this PSPad comes quite as a nice replacement for UltraEdit.

7. Acrobat PDF (pirated) or Ghostscript + Ghostviewer
The thing I love most abt the pirated Acrobat is the commenting facility. Oh, how I love to scribble so many things on all my pdf files I read. It just doesnt feel that I really read it if I dont put at least some highlights in some lines, or some question mark in some sentences, or a not so short comment of my a ha! moment when I read that file.
It's pirated though... I have to resort to GS *sobs sobs*

8. Miktex + WinEdt (Pirated) or TexnicCenter
To work on LaTex files. TexnicCenter is decent, I have not used it long enough, but then WinEdt wasnt really good in particular either, so *shrugs*

9. Visio 2002 (pirated)
I just have to have it! I'm a pretty visual person, so I really like to draw some graphs illustrating my thoughts. And I just already get used to visio I get so irritated not finding it in a basic microsoft office setting.

10. Microsoft Excell
Somehow I just make use of it a lot. And no, the one from Open Office could not replace it.

11. VMWare
So I can have another OS running along with my Windows. J suggested this. I haven't tried it yet but I suppose when I really make use of it I can delete Putty and WinSCP from my topmost lists ;P

The rest of the list would be some not really necessary stuff"
11. CDisplay
To read comics xD

12. Xming
To be able to display some GUI from my remote terminal.

13. go to pixelgirlpresents
Ok this is not a program ;P but I love myself a nice looking wallpaper, and thats the ultimate source for it :D

Hmmm...what else...I guess I'll add my list when I remember them along the way. Whats your daily program necessity ?


Ismail Habib said...

>Ok, this one is a rather geeky post.
Not quite there yet, lite :P

Ever heard about portable application? It might be a good idea to have a flash disk with every "compulsory" applications... but that might not be the case here ^_^

Samuel Louvan said...

Oi Mbak Yusi! Piye kabare? Suwe ra ketemu :P Sori commentnya ga nyambung sama postingannya :D

lite said...

uh huh, but this is as far as i can go as a geek xD

ehhh, sammyyyyyyy! oiiiiii ;D
baek Alhamdulillah =D
iya, niii, udah lama banget!
konon sekarang udah di benua yg sama ya ma gw? =D
hihihi, gpp lagi ga nyambung kan tapi jadi nyambung kabarnya ;P

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.