Thursday, January 13, 2011

No news is good news

My mom believes in such saying.

And so.. usually I would never heard of anyone get sick or anything unless they have recovered. Then my mom would casually mention it during our weekly conversation..
"oh.. _someone_ was sick a bit back then.. but he/she is ok now."

Being away, and only relying on weekly contacts with home... that sometimes make me feel... excluded.

But then the reasoning my mom have for it has it's own merits too. As I'm such a worrywart (and I know my mom sure knows me better) a bit of bad news could indeed throw my daily routine to a mess.

But still... I think I deserve to know when there's something happen to my loved ones...

I guess I just don't know where am I standing with regards to that saying.


Ismail Habib said...

Alhamdulillah aku dan Linda baik-baik aja kok, jangan khawatir yah hehehe :D

lite said...

Alhamdulillah =D
makasihh, zuuu! hehehe, iya, kita dikabar2in yahh, kalo ada berita baik maupun tidak baik :D

Ismail Habib said...

...dan sebaliknya ya! :D