Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Change of habit

Back then, upon having nightmares, I used to wake up screaming calling my mom.

When I was young, that action would have successfully summonned my mom to come to my room and comfort me until I fall asleep again...
or granted me the permission to sleep in her room hahaha.

Then I grew up,
living in a dorm away from home for my high school and university.

The habit remained, though.
The resolution of nightmares would have still been waking up calling her.
But she couldn't hear me and come to me, of course.
So I'd have had to wait until it's morning before I went to the public phone (wartel? Is such thing still existing now with everyone having cellphones now in Indonesia?) to call her.

Then I moved further away, across the continents.
Yet I still remember waking up screaming "Ibuuuu" during my master degree years :D
Praise God for the technology as then I had already have my cellphone. So I would have texted her instead, and called her if I was lucky to have a calling card on hand.

Last night I had a horrible nightmare again...
But now all I had to do was rolling over to his side of the bed,
"J, J, J, I had a nightmare... I couldn't sleep",
nestled my head in the warmth of his side, holding his hand, and I'm all safe and golden.

ooo, my kuingkuing, how I love you =')


Ismail Habib said...

awww, co cwitttt

lite said...

iya donggggg co cwiit sekaliiii ;)
kalo lagi manis aja ni soalnya yg ditulis, kalo lagi berantem off the record hahaha xP

Anonymous said...

balas di peluk J, ato hy lite yg peluk aja?:P

soooo swweeetttt

lite said...

wahhh, ada nitnots? =D
hai hai niiiit!;D

hihihi, naa, peluk-pelukan itu rada rebet mengingat ini winter dan kita punya selimut sendiri-sendiri biar ga tarik-tarikan hahaha,
jadi perlu manuver tersendiri supaya masing-masing tetep bisa anget dalem selimut tp tetep meluk, susah deh jelasinnya xD

tapi iya jawabannya bales peluk.. setidaknya niatnya meluk lah hahaha