Saturday, March 29, 2008
Ngasal time :D
Hihihi, ngocol abis xD
jadi pengen nulis ngasal pake bahasa indonesia, deh ;P
tulisannya tuh ngingetin banget ma stylenya hilman, tau ngga sih?
yg daku bacanya ampe bisa ngakak2 abis gitu.
*padahal daku bacanya past mitnait, tetangga2 pada stress kali ya dengernya :p*
kangennn, deh, baca sambil ngakak ngga jelas gini xD
jadi inget masa2 daku koleksi Olga, Lupus dan kawan2nya :D
*btw, hilman, -engkau idolaku...hilmannnn,,,- itu kemana ya sekarang?*
Daku ketinggalan banget yak, baru sekarang baca blog doski.
Padahal dia yg udah ampe nerbitin (almost) 4 buku gitu ^^;;>
Gini lah nasib ngga gaul ma kabar2 Indo *sigh*
Untung setidaknya gw masih apdet kalo tentang gosip dan seleb macem Chincha Lawrah xD
Daku udah ngincer sih sebenernya bukunya, pas terakhir pulang.
Ada bukunya di bagian best seller gitu deh, Kambing Jantan.
Tertarik sih.
Langsung diinget2, "ntar harus cek blognya," (kalo ngga salah ni ya).
Tapi waktu itu ga beli bukunya karena udah telanjur kalap ambil macem2 buku laen.
Ampe keberatan. Ditumpuk2 dan nyaris akrobat daku bawa2nya pake dua tangan
(sampe akhirnya ada pak satpam yang jatuh iba dan mendekati, "mbak, pake kantong ini aja mbak, bawanya", ngasihin kantong belanja Gramedia. Aduhhh malunyaaa, ketinggalan zaman sekali daku xD).
Dan waktu itu karena kok sepertinya banyak sekali buku2 baru indonesia yang ga jelas judulnya, jadi mikirnya cuma, ah, paling just yet another new teen lit.
Hehehe, tapi setelah sukses ngakak beberapa jam gini jadi nyesel deh waktu itu ga beli ^^.
Tapi timingnya bagus banget deh nemu blog ini.
Karena tadi sebelum baca tuh daku yang lagi stresssssss abisssss.
Sumpek, suntuk, sutriss, su.....ya pokoknya lagi kesel abis gitu deh.
Lagi lagi masih tentang nasibku yang nelangsa ditinggal rubyku tersayang..hiks hiks hiks.
Jadi ceritanya bahkan setelah seminggu lebih itu transaksi Dell masih belom beres2 juga!
Pertama: Loh, kok offer free deliverynya ngga dimasukin?
Udah, total biayanya dikurangin biaya delivery.
Eh, kok modemnya jadi ilang dari list specs?
Dimasukin kembali lah itu modem.
waaa, jadi pengen printer yang lagi diskon!
Ditambahinlah sang printer.
aduh, itu printernya salah tipe. bukan yang itu.
imel lagi imel lagi.
dan terakhir...
halah printernya salah diskon.
imel lagi.
*tunggu tunggu tunggu*
ahhhhhh!! udah ampir jam 5!! ini hari jumat!!
*telpon telpon telpon*
dering cuma sekali trus tulalit...
*keukeuh...telpon telpon..telpon*
tapi.... setelah jam menunjukkan jam 5 lewat dan tak kunjung ada imel maupun tanda2 telpon gw nyambung,
yakinlah gw si mbaknya udah pulang dengan bahagia memulai wikennya T_T
orderan laptopkuuuuuu...... *cryyyyyyy*
padahal gw udah wanti2 banget ke mbaknya ini harus beres hari ini. soalnya beres hari ini pun, ntar dapetnya baru april tgl 24. gw udah rasanya pngen langsung asal ngasih nomer credit cardnya aja biar cepet. ehhhh, ditinggal weekend...hiks hiks.
like...omgah!!! @#$%^&*!!!!!
*eh itu bukan enkripsi pisuhan,ya. itu karena gw dah ga tau mo ngomong apa lagi*
jadilah daku yang udah ditinggal ruby hampir 2 minggu ini ceritanya pengen ngamuk T_T
nangis2 bombay: check.
meraung raung kaya anak kecil minta mainan baru: check.
mukul2in guling+ bantal: check.
ih, kok kaya kurang seru ya *pouts*,
mentang2 seapartemen sendiri jadi lah daku keluar cari yg laen2 buat sasaran kesebelan.
sendal rumah: yahhh, dilempar malah membal gitu.
sekardus kecil kue: cuma...buk! selesai. tsk, ga seru.
*barusan tapi si kardus kue yang malang ini gw pungut lagi, kok. dan gw abisin... isinya dong bukan kardusnya. yummm :9*
piring:....wahh, males bersihinnya ntar.
kursi: ...hehe, kayanya kuat tuh kursi2 apartemen gw.
klang! klang! jatuhlah dua kursi gw.
Ehh, pintu kamar digedor. Si pacar :D
Doski marah2, gw banting2 kursi kedengeran ampe atas katanya. Dikata tu kursi punya gw apa?!?!
hehehe, gw lagi stress, malah dimarah2in :P
sebenernya gw ga gitu ngerti juga jadinya dia tadi ngomong apa aja, namanya juga lagi stress ^^;;>
tapi intinya jadi tadi tuh semaleman gw sedang sedih dan stres2nya lah.
naa, trus nemu blog yg bikin ngakak itu :D
ketawa itu menyenangkan ya ;P
dan ternyata ngasal pake bahasa indonesia itu jauh lebih enak dan ekspresip xD
ntar bakal lebih digalakkan deh nulis pake bahasa indonesia. terutama kalo lagi stress hihihi.
ya sudah lah...laptop masih belom punya, kamar masih berantakan, tapi gw nya udah nyengir, not a bad start eh?
hope its gonna be a great weekend for all of us =]
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Its just for fun actually.
I never really get into youtube ppl, making videos of themselves doing something and put it in the internet for ppl to see.
But upon watching the result (its fun and funny, really, everyone should try to dance it xD) i found its kinda something I would love to keep.
And probably to show to my loved ones later in the future.
("This is granny dancing hare hare yukai back then when I had nothing better to do in Italy" xD)
Sweet memories always bring up smiles, right?
And... its something to immortalize what we have now.
The hairstyle, the agility of youth (lolz), the clothes, even the background sceneries.
I guess in that notion, pictures deliver the same memories.
Hmm... now come to think of it, probably thats why so many ppl made their own nude pictures?
To immortalize that flaunted body?
Since nothing lasts forever...
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Luxury Expenses
This one isnt really light though since its been occupying my head these last few days @_@
How do you manage your expenses?
Im not much of a shop-a-holic. I only buy stuffs when I really need them, when the old one is already broken/finished, when I cant find any other thing to substitute it.
Thats why sophie kinsella's stories never really seemed to echo on me. Buying shoes as an investment? my dearest ridla girls agreed on it, and they really do have pretty shoes suitable for every kind of occasion. I..only have a pair of sneakers aged 2 years, a pair of snow proof shoes (because the afromentioned sneakers just couldnt hold up to the snows and start to look saddening recently T_T), a pair of girly shoes (for every formal occasion possible), and a pair of hiking sandals.
Thats also because Im very picky. Buying things have always been an exhausting experience, consuming at least 2 days or more, and will only ends if I definitely sure i really really really want to buy that thing (sometimes involving me dreaming of that stuff already @_@). Therefore by nature I try to avoid buying things as much as I could.
But bad thing happens. ( an euphemism of s*** happens xD)
My laptop is dead.
Now, from browsing around, I want an xps m1330.
my other options :
- IBM T61 : scratched because I'd be forever itched to correct that asymmetrical monitor. for godsake! didnt they know everything must be balanced on earth?!?! xD
- m1530 : I dont want to add more weight to my daily 7 kgs backpack =(
- macbook pro : its much more expensive =( *the same goes to sony stuffs*
- a desktop : I might be traveling around, and its not really something compact i can bring with me or stuff somewhere to be left temporarily.
but supervisor said in 2 or 3 months there might be some money for the univ to buy a laptop for me.
the thing is :
1. losing my laptop is driving me crazy these past few days, srsly
2. I always feel uneasy abt borrowed stuff
now, xps m1330 isnt really that cheap...
its on promotion now so i can get some discounts, but still...expensive.
dont even start to calculate the fact that im buying it in euro now, and that euro's value is skyrocketing now compared to rupiah.
I do have some money for it.
But, am I spending on some tertiary/luxury stuff if I buy this?
Its something I remember from my elementary school lesson. 3 types of spending :
primary, secondary, tertiary/luxury. A good person should not waste much on tertiary stuff and should save his/her money instead for rainy days :D
What I feel now is that a laptop is a primary need for me. Its something that I need everyday, its something I need to do all my works, its something I need with me in keeping all my routines that I have been and will have to keep on doing. I know I'd be using it to the fullest, and I know I would love to have it to last as long as possible.
But then, looking at the price, looking at the other possibilities that I can actually make do with, this a luxury item?
Does having an enough amount of money, so that u r not actually spending beyond ur limit, makes u eligible to spend on an expensive stuff?
I've been stressing myself out lately with this thought @_@
Im soooo desperate for a new laptop but then this thought always made me hesitant to make my transaction T_T
Another thing.
I've been craving for a dancepad since forever.
I desperately searched one in Indonesia but they dont have any with USB connection.
Ive finally found a retailer for europe, and after harassing them I finally found that they have a 1 year warranty for the dance pads and that they will replace defective products if I happen to receive one. Im just one step away from finalizing my order when again that same thought came.
Its a good one, and its european, so its not cheap.
But I know I would dance so often on it, if not every morning as my sport ^^.
I have even dreamed about playing on one, thats how I crave for this dancepad >_<
But does that makes a strong excuse for my spending?
I would blame this kind of confusion to the fact that im living in europe with a background knowledge of indonesian life.
had I been living in indonesia maybe none of those are even considered as my option.
had i always been living in europe maybe all of those are just some normal stuff, normal expenses.
...these things give me headaches @_@
I knew I never liked to have anything to do with money *sigh*
my wand :D
Your Score: 12", Holly, Dragon
You scored 36 wisdom, 44 bravery, 15 emotional, and 16 martyrdom!
Holly is a powerful protective wood that good for use against evil, but it also represents dreams and fertility. Your dragon's heartstring core makes your wand very effective in hexes.
How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 33% on wisdom
You scored higher than 77% on bravery
You scored higher than 24% on emotional
You scored higher than 25% on martyrdom
Link: The Harry Potter Wand Test written by sputnik845 on OkCupid, home of the The Dating Persona Test View My Profile(sputnik845) |
oh my, 12 inch is kinda...long dont u think?
im so gonna break it just in a few days @_@
(another silly quiz i know =.=;; I think i have to change the title of this blog due to my recent posts =/)
God of chaos, mwahahaha
![]() Perfectionist, prone to anger or irrationality. Aspects of Duality. Colors: male: turquoise, female: black Compatible Signs: Geb, The Nile Dates: May 28 - Jun 18, Sep 28 - Oct 2 Role: God of chaos, evil, the desert, war, violence, conflict, and sandstorms Appearance: Form of a man, with the head of an unidentified donkey-like animal. He was sometimes seen as a pig or a hippo. Sacred animal: the mythical "Set animal" Designed by CyberWarlock of Warlock's Quizzles and Quandaries |
hmm...i guess that explains my-always-chaotic-and-messy-room? xD
Sunday, March 23, 2008
You are The Lovers
Motive, power, and action, arising from Inspiration and Impulse.
The Lovers represents intuition and inspiration. Very often a choice needs to be made.
Originally, this card was called just LOVE. And that's actually more apt than "Lovers." Love follows in this sequence of growth and maturity. And, coming after the Emperor, who is about control, it is a radical change in perspective. LOVE is a force that makes you choose and decide for reasons you often can't understand; it makes you surrender control to a higher power. And that is what this card is all about. Finding something or someone who is so much a part of yourself, so perfectly attuned to you and you to them, that you cannot, dare not resist. This card indicates that the you have or will come across a person, career, challenge or thing that you will fall in love with. You will know instinctively that you must have this, even if it means diverging from your chosen path. No matter the difficulties, without it you will never be complete.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
Friday, March 21, 2008
hehe, i knew i never meant to be a hiker :D
![]() | |||
Your travel type: Travel Yup ![]() Shopping in Bangkok, getting a tailor made suite in Kuala Lumpur, that's the kind of thing the Travel Yup is into. Even though he likes to get away, he prefers his travels to be comfortable. | ![]() | ||
top destinations:AmsterdamTahiti Beirut | stay away from:Darien GapTokyo Cairo |
Thursday, March 20, 2008
time to say goodbye?
Apparently something is wrong with the motherboard, theres something that went loose inside. It can be started just like usual, and it might let me do some works, but in an indefinite time that loosing part will take action, and my laptop will suddenly went off then reboot itself.
J and I were trying to pry it open yesterday, but we stopped just after we reached the memory part. I chickened out looking at all those green ic boards everywhere. the hard disk is ok, we tested in on j's laptop. so...should be something deeper...
I so wish theres someone expert at this laptop thing, who can just open it and glance it for awhile then fix whatever is loose there. cause im sure it shouldnt be something serious, (or should it?). J kept on saying its reaching the age, its just how these electronics go.
but anyway, i couldnt do any work yesterday...and gawd, how this profession had made me sooo attached to laptop. i cant live without one! T_T
that, plus my advisors are sooo eager with my work more than I do @_@
I finally used J's old powerbook yesterday nite just to find out there r already 7 mails of them discussing my work *orz*
I started looking out for one xps m1330. what dya think?
*to be continued*
Friday, March 14, 2008
Is my ruby dying? >_<
it happened 3 times already today, my dearest laptop, ruby, went dark when I tried to move it from places to places >_<
It went neither to hibernate nor to back alive, just suddenly the monitor went off, the power and the touchpad were still on, but it did nothing, no input can be detected >_<
my bf said its reaching its age already, passed 3 years limit last december.
but but but, i wuv my rubyyyyyy *cries in the corner*
Thursday, March 13, 2008
but i want to be in griffyndor *pouts*
Which Hogwarts house will you be sorted into?
Your in-depth results are:
Hufflepuff - 17
Ravenclaw - 13
Gryffindor - 11
Slytherin - 6
*still pouting*
Monday, March 10, 2008
Googling it I found nothing other than card shuffling which I think is so remotely related to what they were talking about.
Until with a help of a friend finally I found what exactly it is today.
So it's a dance style which is popular in Malaysia and Australia.
My conclusion is that it's some kinda dancing style with stomping feet movements accompanied by musics with loud and fast bass beats *is that even understandable?* xD
The dance isnt really that impressive for me, just my opinion of course ^^;;>
Because for me a dance should be something pretty where ur body dance to the music and u enjoy and feel the music.
To me shuffle looks more like some trance dance; where u got lost in the music, where u r not really conscious abt ur dance.
Maybe because its just more emphasizing in the feet movement so it seems the hands and the upper part body dont seem to enjoy the dance? maybe because I havent get used to the kind of music to know that is how u properly enjoy such music? maybe because I havnt tried it myself? maybe I should so I can give a more appropriate comments on this phenomenon;D
well anyway here are some links:
basic shuffle dance tutorial
dance example
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Ice Skating
And now I've got 2 blisters on my feet, my whole body hurts so much, i couldnt sleep, and I guess Im too tired that I had nightmares when I accidentally fell asleep: I screamed things aloud T_T
so here i am blogging in the middle of the nite instead of sleeping @_@
It was nice actually ;D
I got a nice friend who kindly taught me the basics from scratch lol. Thankiiiess so very much for u!
I fell like the whole time though >_<
but he said I always fell very nicely!
so I guess Im proud that im such a pro in falling while skating =D
anyway some notes to self about skating:
- wear water resistant gloves
I fell down too much I guess that not before long my gloves r already wet cause I kept on falling and falling and holding on the ice to steady myself up.
- wear water resistant pants
Again, since I fell down most of the time, I went home with my jeans wet starting from under my knees downward and on my bums area. It wasn't nice wearing them back home on such a cold windy day @_@
- wear thick sport socks
I used the rented ice skating shoes sized 40D. Either that size is too narrow for my feet or it was just because I wear thin socks, I got blisters now on my inner side of feet. One for each foot in a perfectly same position.
I praise the developed technology of hansaplast here though that I could get something nice for my blisters instead of leaving them just like that.
It's called Cerotti per Vesiche. Transparent coloured, with gel to compress the irritated area and with the nice shape and comfortable substance which adhere nicely to the form of my feet. It protects the blister from getting more ouchy frictions, it soothes the pain (just a bit T_T), and its water proof too. It said it should helps a rapid recovery, lets hope so :D
- read some ice skating basics tutorial etc later
I didnt really know what I was doing, knowing I could slide to move here and there in between my falls made me happy already :D
But I still havnt got that smooth perfect rhythm to slides nicely, I still slided awkwardly, stumbled now and then, and my friend said I still did some unnecessary-complicating-additional moves every time I slide.
No matter how he explained to me the right way to slide, its always such a mess for me to change from 1 foot to another, the direction, the weight focus @_@
I should learn more abt that somehow.
All in all it was really a nice experience to be able to slide on ice! ;D
Im just hoping so much I could sleep anytime soon now and that this pain all over my body will go away soon T_T
Monday, March 03, 2008
Random scribble
No motivation at all T_T
remind me again, how did I end up here and what exactly am I doing here so far away from home? >_<
why I always seem to be behind the schedules? @_@
My fav songs lately :
imeem playlist
I need the loud upbeat songs to deafen the voices in my head: *I havnt done this, oh and that too, and that one, and...* x_x
my ultra bored siggy ;P
Death note font acquired from here
It's hot, dude!
The sun shines so bright and fierce today it almost looks like summer already.
The temperature is between 4 - 7 degrees celc. And Im happily wearing just my light jacket to campus, which turned out unnecessary after adding the fact that I ran to catch the bus ;P Sweating on winter rare :D
One disaster at a time
thats a quote that somehow I remember from the movie "Frida Kahlo".
I guess its what I should apply to get rid of my piling disaster at a time...
gambatteh me! +U +U! Add oil! lol xD