Monday, March 03, 2008

Random scribble

Acute laziness for the lose! >_<
No motivation at all T_T
remind me again, how did I end up here and what exactly am I doing here so far away from home? >_<
why I always seem to be behind the schedules? @_@

My fav songs lately
imeem playlist
I need the loud upbeat songs to deafen the voices in my head: *I havnt done this, oh and that too, and that one, and...* x_x

my ultra bored siggy ;P

Death note font acquired from here

It's hot, dude!
The sun shines so bright and fierce today it almost looks like summer already.
The temperature is between 4 - 7 degrees celc. And Im happily wearing just my light jacket to campus, which turned out unnecessary after adding the fact that I ran to catch the bus ;P Sweating on winter rare :D

One disaster at a time
thats a quote that somehow I remember from the movie "Frida Kahlo".
I guess its what I should apply to get rid of my piling disaster at a time...
gambatteh me! +U +U! Add oil! lol xD

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