Thursday, March 13, 2008

but i want to be in griffyndor *pouts*

Which Hogwarts house will you be sorted into?

Your in-depth results are:

Hufflepuff - 17
Ravenclaw - 13
Gryffindor - 11
Slytherin - 6

*still pouting*


Ismail Habib said...

At first I'm afraid that I'll be in Slytherin. Luckily, I'm not...

... But you know, another same result it's not fun. Do you agree?

Forza Hufflepuff!

lite said...

lols zu xD
u r such a copycat!!! xD
its kinda weird since I never even really noticed anything abt hufflepuff @_@
what r they good of? =/
well I guess now that we'r inside we'll make it the next big thing!
linds, j, and all informaniacs should be in hufflepuff too! then habib potter book is gonna be released soon i think xD

Ismail Habib said...

Well, Hufflepuff is not Gryffindor nor Slytherin... Even Ravenclaw is much more popular compared to Hufflepuff...

I guess we have to wait until HabsQ Potter released sometimes in the month of June (unfortunately, the year is still unknown). According to some (imaginary) HabsQ Potter fans, the story revolves around an ordinary wizard called HabsQ who is interested in muggle's football more than quidditch. It's going to be a long sequel since the writer decided to end the story when HabsQ finish his study at the Post Doctoral in magic.

Every book is going to be at least 500 pages and to keep the originality, it's going to be fully handwritten.

Thank you

Velly said...
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Anonymous said...

i thought i am gonna be in ravenclaw. But you kno what? It sorted me into Gryffindor.

Your in-depth results are:

Gryffindor - 11
Ravenclaw - 11
Slytherin - 9
Hufflepuff - 7

I never thought i am the brave one!! =)) . But i surprisingly, my slytherin blood is quite thick too [T_T sobs]

lite said...

@ habs
yea zu, but at least that cedric was from hufflepuff :D
and yea, more superstars to come of course in that HabsQ Potter book! yayy for june! at the 13th? ;P
a long sequel would be great ;D I hope u'll at least make sure that the hand writing will be readable then zu >.>

ahhhh, vellyyyyy! how come how come!
tsk tsk tsk... u shouldnt have been that brave, vel. why didnt u just lay low like habs and me xD
hurry re-take that quiz! otherwise you wouldnt be in that very special HabsQ Potter book xD
hmmm its ok, vel, having a quite thick slytherin blood. its the fame that matters, mwahahaha xD

Credo said...

*Planning to take the test soon,hehe*

Eh, tapi keknya udah pernah deh.. humm.. Lupa hasilnya.

lite said...

@credo hihihi, ayo, ayo, re test lagi aja ;D buktikan bahwa ntar dikau jg bakal di buku habsq potter, ndi! xD